Rugged 3R Ranch Practices
& Sorting Lessons:
Ranch Sorting Practice
- Look on event page for dates
$35.00 practice up to
3 runs
$25.00 per draw jackpot per run
Arena rental rate: contact for fee. Matt 775-842-9212
or Vince Ugalde 775-217-6388
Arena daily usage $10.00 per rider per hour
Team Sorting Clinic:
Communicate with your horse, leg cues
& more. Work on your horse/rider problems.
Clinic times
and pricing to be announced : look on event page for dates
Day & Evening Clinics available
Team Ranch Sorting Clinic:
Read cows, improve horse skills, rules and more.
Clinic times and pricing to be announced : look on event page
for dates
Introduction to Cow Clinics:
Designed for horses and riders who have
limited knowledge and experience with cow work
1 day
- $90.00
2 day - $180.00
Auditing fee $30.00 a day
Look on events page for dates
Obstacle Course Clinics:
Many types of ranch obstacles to introduce to you and
your horse that will challenge both of you. We will have a fun challenge at the end of
the clinic for you and your horse. One day event $75.00
Horsemanship 101 Clinics:
Is designed to fix communication errors between horse
and rider.
day clinic - $75.00
2nd day western schooling show $5.00 a class ( You get to put to work your newly learned skills)